Exchange 2013 OWA/ECP Error 500
After I installed Exchange 2013 and tried to access either OWA or ECP on it, I kept getting Error 500. Looking at the httpproxy logs, I saw this: The unhandled exception was: System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: Invalid provider type specified. Turns out Exchange doesn’t like the key provider, Microsoft Software Key Storage Provider, so you have to reissue…
Event 8194 Group Policy Registry
Started a new job a few weeks ago and now that the new team is all done with training, we’re going through and trying to fix things we’re coming across. One of the errors that showed up on every single domain controller is 8194 and has to do with Group Policy Registry happening every 5…
Windows NPS sync
1) Add machine2 as an administrator to machine1 2) Create a batch file with the following 3 lines: C:\Windows\System32\netsh.exe -r machine1 nps export filename=”c:\npsexport.xml” exportPSK=”YES”c:\windows\system32\netsh.exe nps import filename=”c:\npsexport.xml”del /F /Q c:\npsexport.xml 3) Create a scheduled task Done.