nat for remote management
So I had an issue at work that went like this: We recently put in new managed switches at our remote sites. One of them failed and was replaced by our 3rd party subcontractor. They just do a hardware replacement and my team does the configuration. By default, the switches are configured to use…
traffic policing
The antivirus server at work was pissing me off and saturating our OC3. I policed it down to 50mbps. ip access-list extended traffic-police permit ip host any class-map traffic-police match access-group name traffic-police policy-map traffic-police class traffic-police police 50000000 conform-action transmit exceed-action drop int po1/0 service-policy output traffic-police
WCCP w/Websense and GRE
ip wccp version 2 ip access-list standard WCCP_Proxies 10 permit host 20 permit host ip access-list extended WCCP_Redirect 10 deny ip host any 20 deny ip host any 30 permit ip any ip wccp 0 group-list WCCP_Proxies redirect-list WCCP_Redirect int vlan 10 ip wccp 0 redirect in
ASDM 6.4(5)204
I upgraded ASDM from 6.4.(5)106 to 6.4(5)204 and the launcher broke. Running it as a web app still worked though, so I figured it had to do with the way the shortcut was setup. Here’s a comparison of the two: 106: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\javaw.exe -Xms64m -Xmx512m -Dsun.swing.enableImprovedDragGesture=true -classpath lzma.jar;jploader.jar;asdm-launcher.jar;retroweaver-rt-2.0.jar com.cisco.launcher.Launcher 204: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Cisco Systems\ASDM\asdm-launcher.jar" -Xms64m -Xmx512m…
VPN with ScreenOS 6.2 and ASA 8.3
Setting up VPNs is always a PIA, but Juniper really dumbs it down and I have to say really spoiled me. So when it came time to setup another VPN with a partner who is running an ASA, I had to shake off the rust and think of what could go wrong. Most of the…