altiris training
Dear Symantec, Your web training for Altiris sucks. It is incredibly boring and not interactive enough. I’d be better off with a PDF to read, but none is provided and so I have been forced to watch slideshows for 10 hours (yes, 10 hours). I hate you. Love, Donovan
argh! nic team/etherchannel with management port group
A few weeks ago, I was banging my head on the table trying to get the management port group working on a nic team/etherchannel for a client. They use Netgear switches, so I was kinda feeling my way through the GUI to make it work. Everything looked right, but I still couldn’t get the stupid…
Updating ESXi 4.1
I recently went through the exercise of upgrading my standalone VMware ESXi 4.1 server. The process is pretty easy. Grab the vSphere CLI from: http://www.vmware.com/support/developer/vcli/ Grab the relevant patches. Make sure you select the correct version of ESX/ESXi. I facepalmed when I realized I was trying to update using the ESX (not ESXi) packages and…
OpenVPN and VMware
Promiscuous mode needs to be enabled on the vSwitch if you are using bridge mode. Remember that before you facepalm.
Note to self
I went to a contract job yesterday and was working for about 3 hours before I needed a bathroom break. As I finally got in front of a mirror, I noticed my shirt was inside out! Hah! I couldn’t do anything but laugh. Note to self: look over yourself prior to stepping out of the…
Adios Hyper-V R2, Part 3 (The End)
I’m going to call this a successful migration with a couple issues: 1) I didn’t/forgot to set the block size of the vmfs when I installed ESXi. The default is 1MB. This means my virtual disks are limited to 256GB. Not a big deal for now. I plan on putting a set of 2TB disks…
ventrilo startup script
I made a post over at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1609521&highlight=ventrilo, but here’s a startup script I put together for Ventrilo 3.0. #!/bin/sh#### BEGIN INIT INFO# Provides: ventrilo_srv# Required-Start: $network $remote_fs $syslog# Required-Stop: $network $remote_fs $syslog# Should-Start: $named# Should-Stop: $named# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5# Default-Stop: 0 1 6# Short-Description: Ventrilo version 3.0### END INIT INFO NAME=ventrilo_srvDESC=”Ventrilo 3.0″DAEMON=/usr/local/ventrilo/ventrilo_srvPIDFILE=/usr/local/ventrilo/$NAME.pidDAEMON_ARGS=”-f/usr/local/ventrilo/ventrilo_srv -d”VENT_USER=ventrilo…
Adios Hyper-V R2, Part 2
The migration of my Hyper-V R2 environment to ESXi 4.1 is at the halfway point right now. At this point, all the systems have been imported into VMware Workstation 7.1 that I have installed on my desktop. The process didn’t go as smooth as I had hoped. For starters, I couldn’t use the built-in importer…
the space in between
Besides the fact that I positively believe that I am TERRIBLE in interviews, another thing I hate about the whole process is the waiting. If you’ve gotten as far as an actual interview, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to expect a timely response letting you know whether or not you got the job, need to…
Adios Hyper-V R2, Part 1
So I’m in the mood to upgrade my virtual server. Right now it’s running some Phenom II Quadcore with 8GB of RAM. There are 2 320GB disks in a Raid 1 using the onboard nvdia controller. The disk configuration was a big deciding factor when I was trying to choose between Hyper-V R2 or ESXi…
Squid 3.1.8 on Ubuntu 10.04
I find Squid to be very useful and have been disappointed that 3.1 is still not in any repositories. I googled a little to see if anyone has already done this, since reinventing the wheel is not really my thing. There are a couple tutorials/howtos, but I didn’t really like either approach. One approach uses…
VPN with ScreenOS 6.2 and ASA 8.3
Setting up VPNs is always a PIA, but Juniper really dumbs it down and I have to say really spoiled me. So when it came time to setup another VPN with a partner who is running an ASA, I had to shake off the rust and think of what could go wrong. Most of the…